How to Work With the Ascended Masters

Do you want to draw closer to a particular Ascended Master and have them help you in your life? All you need to do is ask!

Choose a master from the list of Ascended Masters below, and set an intention to work more closely with them. Let them know out loud what you would like help with, and remember to select the one that suits your situation.

You can jump to the description of any Ascended Master by clicking on the links below (or simply scroll down this page to read the list.) This list of Ascended Masters is not exhaustive by any means, these are simply the Ascended Masters I often find around my clients.

List of Ascended Masters

  • Mother Mary
  • Buddha
  • Jesus
  • Quan Yin
  • Kali
  • Krishna
  • Lakshmi
  • Merlin
  • Saint Germain

Now let’s look at the full list of Ascended Masters that you can choose to work with:

The Ascended Masters

Ascended Masters are souls who have ascended beyond the need to incarnate here on Earth. They may appear on Earth in human form as healers, prophets, or teachers, but this is not for their own soul growth – instead it is for the benefit of humankind. Over many years, so many people have called on these Masters that it lends them energy and they become spiritual figureheads that we can call upon for assistance and support.

Below you’ll also find the Ascended Masters that my students most often choose to work with.

Mother Mary

Mother Mary is the Ascended Master from the Catholic and Judeo-Christian religions, therefore many Catholics present with this energy around them. Mother Mary also accompanies those whose life purpose is to work with children or help children in some way. Mother Mary helps with all issues relating to children, including fertility, parenting, and adopting, so it is not surprising that parents, and mothers in particular, often present with this energy around them.

Mother Mary is the archetype of the ‘ideal mother.’ She has kind, nurturing, serene, patient, and loving energy.


The name Buddha means ‘the Enlightened one’ or ‘Awakened one.’

Moderation is a key teaching in the Buddhist spiritual tradition, therefore one can evoke Buddha whenever help is needed with balance/finding the ‘middle path.’ Buddha’s energy is helpful in situations or life lessons where moderation is required.

Other energies associated with Buddha include love, respect, dignity and peace.  Buddha’s presence is a wise and serene energy.


Jesus is unconditionally loving, forgiving, gentle, and kind. Because his energy is so unconditional and accepting, it is a very healing energy too.

This is the Ascended Master with whom I am most familiar, having spent many lifetimes in the Christian faith.

Quan Yin

Quan Yin is a Buddhist Goddess. Her name means ‘she who hears prayers.’  Her energy is characterised by compassion. She represents feminine power and beauty.

Quan Yin also teaches harmlessness (i.e. doing no harm) and has a fierce and protective aspect to her energy.


I have included Kali here as she is one of my personal favourite Ascended Masters to work with. Kali is a Hindu goddess associated with death, endings, transformations and destruction. Her nickname is ‘the Dark Mother.’

Kali’s energy is intense, ferocious, determined, and courageous. She encourages us to live fearlessly and has a reputation for being available to help us destroy that which no longer serves us. Call on Kali when you need help dismantling something in your life which no longer benefits you.


Krishna is a Hindu deity. Krishna’s energy can be defined by its joyful quality. His energy is warm, sweet and loving. Some believe that Krishna helps with romantic relationships. He is often depicted in paintings and images with his partner, Radha.


Lakshmi is the goddess of abundance and good fortune in the Buddhist and Hindu traditions. Her energy is found around those who are striving for abundance, including material abundance, emotional fulfilment, and good health.


A sage and psychic, Merlin is said to have helped King Arthur during fifth Century Camelot in Wales.  Some believe that Merlin is just a legendary figure and others believe that he actually existed.  Either way, Merlin can be called on for assistance.

He represents the inner/subjective realm – internal strength and power, and all forms of intuitive development. For this reason, you may find Merlin around psychics and those who are interested in metaphysical topics. If you are on a path of psychic development, you might like to call on Merlin to help you on your path.

Saint Germain

Saint Germain often shows up around those who have communication or healing as their life purpose, as his role is to help us to shed anything that hinders our self-expression and the expression of who we truly are in our lives.

Ascended Masters

What Is the Difference Between Spirit Guides and Ascended Masters?

Do you feel like you have Spirit Guides and Ascended Masters supporting you in your life?

Even if you feel completely alone, isolated, and cut off from Spirit, the truth is you are not.

Whether you are aware of and notice them or not, you have an entire team of guides and angels who are with you and supporting you from the realms of spirit.

But what is the difference between Spirit Guides and Ascended Masters anyway, or is there one?

Just in terms of spirit guides, there are many ‘types of guides’ and they all have different specialties, serve unique purposes, and complete certain tasks to support you as you journey through life.

There are guides with whom you have an ancestral connection. These types of guides are usually with you either due to a karmic, family, or past life connection. Their role is to help you within your family relationships.

There are also past life guides, who are with you due to past life relationships or some sort of karmic link. The main role of past life guides is to support you through multiple lifetime lessons you’re still working on. These lessons often revolve around personality lessons, managing emotions, quieting or focusing the mind, and transcending challenges like anger, low self-esteem, or even a tendency to be egotistic or selfish. Past life guides support you through issues you were working on in past lives, and are still working on in present time.

There are also higher spiritual guides and teacher guides. Different from Ascended Masters, these spirit guides are still in the cycle of death and rebirth, but they are old wise souls who choose to support from the realms of spirit before their next incarnation.

These old soul teacher guides will often come into your life for a brief while, and then move on. They’re mainly focused on offering guidance in terms of learning life’s lessons, and progressing on a path of spiritual development.

Ascended Masters

The main difference between teacher guides and Ascended Masters, is that the Ascended Masters have fully ascended, while teacher guides have not.

Ascended Masters are free from the wheel of karma and the cycle of death and rebirth.  Now, from the realms of spirit they continue to walk their ascension path. Many Ascended Masters also choose to support and guide people on their ascension paths.

In this way Ascended Masters will act as guides, but their teaching is of the highest possible vibration and focused on ascension- helping you to raise your vibration and expand your consciousness.

In the past to have an Ascended Master as a guide was rare, and something reserved only for =advanced, old souls… But today it’s not rare at all.

Today, we live in ascension times and everyone I’ve ever met, or seen or heard of, has had at least one Ascended Master with them.

You see, prior to your birth, you aligned with a team of guides, angels and Ascended Masters. These benevolent spiritual beings are always near and are able to support your life and help you on your ascension path in miraculous ways.

Ascended Masters are powerful allies because they have walked a path similar to the one you’re on now, and now that they’ve mastered it, they’re more than happy to help show you the way.

Your Ascended Self

When you’re ready to awaken your Christ light and progress on your ascension path into your fully ascended state, your Ascended Master teachers will definitely make themselves known. You may even experiencing spirit guides leaving, and only Ascended Masters, angels and Archangels guiding you further.

It may seem like there aren’t many Ascended Masters (I’ve heard some people say there are only 12, or only 33), but really there are tens of thousands Ascended Masters out there… But not all Ascended Masters serve as teachers, I think this is the main reason many are left unknown.

The Ascended Masters you do meet, and are aligned with are those who can most serve your unique life path and ascension process, and for this reason they will make themselves known to you.

Meditation and dreams are the most common ways to initially meet the Ascended Masters who are guiding you, and then once you’re connected the possibilities for learning, growth, and well, ascension, are endless!

One important thing to keep in mind is that Ascended Masters, although further along on the ascension path, don’t consider themselves to be any “better” or “superior” to you. They see you as being equal, and more accurately, they see you as being One.

Their ultimate goal is to help you fully awaken to your Ascended Self, and to awaken your Christ Light, and progress further on your ascension path.

Ready to meet the Ascended Masters on your team? Click here for a FREE Ascended Masters Meditation.