Spirit Animals – Spirit Guides https://guides.tonilamotta.com Learning About & Connecting with Your Guides Tue, 28 Sep 2021 15:35:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.4 https://guides.tonilamotta.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/cropped-guides-32x32.jpg Spirit Animals – Spirit Guides https://guides.tonilamotta.com 32 32 A Cheat Sheet to Common Spirt Animals https://guides.tonilamotta.com/2021/09/28/a-cheat-sheet-to-common-spirt-animals/ https://guides.tonilamotta.com/2021/09/28/a-cheat-sheet-to-common-spirt-animals/#respond Tue, 28 Sep 2021 15:33:27 +0000 https://guides.tonilamotta.com/?p=110 Read More]]>

HorseHORSE Giddyap and prepare for change! The horse will teach you to ride in a new direction, for new journeys and adventures may be heading your way. Alternately, you may be looking for a renewed sense of freedom somewhere in your life. Horse medicine asks us to examine the balance between the instinctive and tame parts of ourselves. When calling on horse in your life you embody strong personal drive, expression, vitality, and physical and inner strength.


EagleEAGLE  We are asked to look at life from an eagle’s-eye perspective. In flight, eagles are able to broadly view what is below them while still being able to hone in on specific items with their laser-sharp sight. Being an eagle requires looking at life with a wide lens and not getting tripped up on daily details, or looking closely at minute details in order to see life from a broader perspective. Eagles provide vision, wisdom, strength, and courage. The eagle allows us to soar to new heights and lets us know when the winds of change are coming.


LionLION King of the jungle, lions teach us how to embrace our personal power and self-confidence as well as warning us about threatening situations in our lives. We learn strength, assertiveness, and leadership. The lion may also be letting us know it is time to deal with anger, authority issues, fears, aggression, or control-freak tendencies.


Rabbit RABBIT  Rabbits are associated with procreation, desire, and fertility…f*%k like a bunny, right? Rabbit lets us follow our intuitive instincts in an alert, quick-witted way. Rabbits’ heightened senses invite us to use cleverness and fast reflexes to succeed, as well as sense fear and danger.


FoxFOX Sly like a fox, this animal is a great ally to have when you are facing a tricky situation or encountering obstacles. Foxes are cunning, quick-thinking, intelligent, deceptive, and sometimes tricksters. The fox teaches us how to get around obstacles fluidly instead of facing them head-on with the same bag of tricks. The fox can teach us increased discernment in situations having to do with business and relationships.


SnakeSNAKE What does a snake do? It sheds its skin over and over again. When a snake appears in your life it represents healing, transformation, and life changes. As a snake sheds its skin, we shed layers that are no longer serving us. The spirit of the snake is connected to our life force. As a reptile, it symbolizes our primal needs and instincts. Snakes can provide guidance about life changes and transitions.


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Spirit Animals https://guides.tonilamotta.com/2021/09/28/spirit-animals/ https://guides.tonilamotta.com/2021/09/28/spirit-animals/#respond Tue, 28 Sep 2021 15:31:50 +0000 https://guides.tonilamotta.com/?p=108 Read More]]> HERE ARE THE THINGS TO KNOW:

1.You can have one or several spirit animals throughout your lifetime. They can come in and out of our lives to give us guidance, teach us about ourselves, and help us maintain balance. The timing and direction we are headed on our path, a specific occasion that may arise, phases of life, or tasks that need to be completed along our journey will dictate what animal steps forward to help.

2.An animal can bring us a message in several ways. We can physically cross paths with the animal, we can dream about it, it can visit us in our meditations, or we might have it as a pet.

3.Your spirit animal often represents qualities and attributes that you may see in yourself. On a base level, you want to understand the general vibe of the animal and look at it as an archetypal figure in your life; a symbolic representation of you. You may never personally interact with your animal, like a tiger or whale. But pay attention to the details like specific behaviors, character traits, habitat, diet, social status. Are you group oriented, a loner, nomadic, sedentary, etc.?

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