Runner Guides

Nature Spirits

Nature Spirits


Seek guidance from those who have gone before you. The road you are navigating has been traveled by others who know the way better than you, so ask for advice. They can show you how to proceed because they are familiar with your challenges and can share their wisdom. Ask for direction rather than fumbling in the dark, trying to figure things out, and losing your way.

The loving Nature Spirits remind you that we have all been beginners at one point, and it is essential to learn from those who know more than we do. There is no shame in not knowing what to do or how to do something when you find yourself in a brand-new situa-tion. The problem comes when we refuse to learn from those with years of experiencee due to stubbornness or pride.

The Nature Spirits are here to help you take in new information. You are being asked to do either something you don’t know how to do or something utterly different from what you usually do. Ask the Nature Spirits to help you be more flexible and receptive so you can quickly absorb new information and apply it. It will relieve the problem.

Helper Guides

Helper Guides


Your Helper Guides are delighted to share the good news that whatever you’ve been working on will succeed. The bad news . . . well, there really isn’t any bad news. Your Helper Guides urge you to recognize those who have helped you to get this far in life. Your success in part came about with the help of others, even if they worked behind the scenes.

This isn’t to diminish your accomplishments or take away from your achieve-ments—not by a long shot! You deserve your win. Your Helper Guides simply remind you to be grateful and acknowledge the contributions of those who have assisted you in getting where you are now, for you will continue to need their support in the future. This includes friends, family, partners, even antagonists perhaps and, of course, your Spirit Helpers and Guides.

In other words, you are surrounded by a flow of loving support and have become the person you are today because of many sources of love who helped you get here.

Recognize and appreciate your helpers, and their support will continue flowing into your lite. View your successes as the result of excellent teamwork and continue to co-create with those dedicated to helping you succeed.