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What are the different types of spirit guides? https://guides.tonilamotta.com/2021/10/17/what-are-the-different-types-of-spirit-guides/ https://guides.tonilamotta.com/2021/10/17/what-are-the-different-types-of-spirit-guides/#respond Sun, 17 Oct 2021 18:38:21 +0000 https://guides.tonilamotta.com/?p=343 Read More]]>

Some spirit guides have been with you for your entire life, even since before you were born. Others came on your team as you needed them at different times in your life, and you can use your free will to request more spirit guides still.

Your particular spiritual guidance squad, the team of spirit guides assigned to you, could include any or all of the following:


Archangels are leaders in the angel world and have a powerful, very large energy signature. If you’re an empath or are sensitive to energy, when you call on an archangel you might feel an energy shift in the room. Each archangel has a specialty, like Archangel Raphael’s specialty of healing, and can work with countless humans at once.

Guardian angels

Guardian angels are yours exclusively, and we each have more than one! Guardian angels have devoted their lives to helping just you. Call on them anytime for immediate assistance. They love you unconditionally, forever. Remember that angels are nondenominational and work with people of all faiths and spiritual beliefs.

Spirit animals

Spirit animals might be a pet you once had who passed away and is now part of your spiritual guidance squad. Spirit animals can also be any animal that has something to teach you, like the peacock teaching you the importance of beauty or confidently owning your gifts, or the wolf showing you the importance of getting your survival needs met.

Spirit animals could show up for the first time in a dream, in your backyard, or on your co-worker’s coffee mug.

Ascended masters

Ascended masters like Buddha or Mother Mary were once human, living journeys of deep spiritual growth and influence. Now they have a special place as leaders in the spirit world and as guides/teachers to humans like you.

My guides have told me that all ascended masters are partners and work together in harmony, no matter what culture or religion they were part of when they were alive.

Departed loved ones

Loved ones or family members who’ve passed on may choose to be one of your spirit guides and actively support you from heaven by helping you in very practical ways, like sending career opportunities or nurturing relationships your way.

One of your grandmothers could be an important spirit guide for you, whether you knew her well in life or not.

In fact, any human who has passed on might become a spirit guide for you. If you’re a dancer, you could have a spirit guide on your team who was once a dancer and performer too and now wants to help guide and inspire you as an artist.

Helper angels

Helper angels are “freelance angels,” so to speak, who are just looking for humans to help with specific situations, like finding new friends or finding a new office space.

How do spirit guides communicate with us?

Spirit guides will often enter your life by sending you signs, also called synchronicities. Carl Jung defined synchronicity as “a meaningful coincidence.”

An example would be realizing you need to improve your romantic relationship after having a fight with your partner before bedtime, and out of the blue the next day you notice a book about communication in romantic relationships sitting on a co-worker’s desk.

Spirit guides could also communicate to you through numbers or number sequences like 111, or you might have a lucky number, and when you go for a job interview, your lucky number is in the company’s address.

Spirit guides could talk to you by sending musical messages, like a song that always inspires you playing on the radio when you get in the car after a rough day.

Spirit guides might send you a dream that gives you an idea about how to handle a situation, or a guide could even appear to you in a dream.

Spirit guides even send helpful people and opportunities your way, another form of communication that often requires you to take action (asking an interesting new person in your life out to lunch, buying a ticket to a transformational workshop) regarding the person or opportunity your guide has sent or somehow put on your radar.

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10 ways to start communicating with your spirit guides. https://guides.tonilamotta.com/2021/10/17/10-ways-to-start-communicating-with-your-spirit-guides-2/ https://guides.tonilamotta.com/2021/10/17/10-ways-to-start-communicating-with-your-spirit-guides-2/#respond Sun, 17 Oct 2021 18:33:47 +0000 https://guides.tonilamotta.com/?p=341 Read More]]>

Here are some practical strategies for connecting to your guidance squad and recognizing their signs and synchronicities:

1. Be more present in your everyday life.

Part of getting more guidance from your spirit guides is recognizing the messages they are already sending. Many times the messages our guides send are lost on us because our lives are too busy or our minds are too busy.

Action step: Try opening up some space in your schedule or taking some responsibilities off your plate, if possible. When you’re not rushing around, you’ll notice more messages from your guides. Help quiet your mind by finding a meditation practice that works for you so you can get better at creating more space in between your thoughts.

2. Stay on the lookout every day for signs from your guides.

The more you watch for signs from your guides, the more you’ll recognize the signs they send. But something else magical happens too—as your guides sense you are more aware of them and their helpful messages, they will send more.

Action step: Remind yourself on your train commute to work or while you’re showering in the morning that every day your guides are sending you messages. If you’re trying to make a major decision, or you’re going through big changes or challenges, expect the guidance coming at you to increase to help you navigate this situation.

3. Start a spirit guide journal.

Get a special journal and devote it solely to increasing communication between you and your guides. This is a sacred place where you can write your guides a letter and ask them for assistance in specific ways.

While your guides know you and your life well, it can be powerful to use your free will to ask for help and guidance. You can also use this journal to record any important signs they send.

Action step: Write your guides a letter at the beginning of the week and express gratitude for a sentence or two about anything in your life you think they’ve helped with recently.

Then spend a few sentences asking them for help or guidance on a specific issue. For the rest of the week, watch for synchronicities from your guides regarding this issue.

4. Get to know your guides, and give them names.

You might give one of your guardian angels a name you’ve always loved, like Emily. Or you could be thinking of your guardian angel as you read a name in a novel, like Javier or Gigi, and that becomes their name.

Giving a guide a name makes them feel more real and may encourage you to connect with them more regularly. You may also come to know the personality of one of your guides after working more closely with them over time.

Action step: See if a name comes to you for one of your guides via your intuition or a synchronicity, or get creative and give them a name.

If a guide is always offering you help taking your career to the next level, they might be serious and motivated. Yet another guide could be playful and always send you humorous guidance, encouraging you to lighten up and enjoy the ride.

5. Surrender something to your guides.

When you’re frustrated about a situation, confused about the best next step, or feeling that you don’t have enough control, surrender an issue over to your guides. Even if it’s just to give yourself a little break. This can allow fresh insights to come to you as well as let your guides have more freedom to do their thing and help. 

Action step: Practice energetically releasing an issue to your guides, perhaps just temporarily. Try to quiet your mind instead of strategizing and worrying. Use a mantra like, “I’m surrendering this issue over to my guides to see what they can do.”

6. Learn more about spirit guides.

Just researching spirit guides will help increase your communication with them. Look for experts and information that resonates with you and is positive, empowering, and healing.

Action step: Attend a workshop, take an online class, or read a book about spirit guides, like one of my most recent, Angel Intuition. Notice if simply learning more about them magically opens you up to more communication. Your guides will be excited they have your attention!

7. Improve your intuition.

Everyone has intuition, and everyone can improve their intuition with study and practice. There are actually four main intuitive pathways that you can play with and develop. (This intuition quiz can help you decide which one is the strongest for you.).

You can hear gentle voices in your mind (clairaudience); see guidance as images in your mind (clairvoyance); know guidance as breakthrough thoughts or mental downloads (claircognizance); or feel guidance as energy, emotions, or physical sensations (clairsentience).

Action step: Practice using your intuition to make small decisions the outcome of which aren’t a big deal, like where to go for lunch with a co-worker.

You can also play a game with your intuition right now by asking it which method here you should emphasize to communicate more with your spirit guides. Ask for a number between 1 and 10. Did you hear a number in your mind, see a number in your mind, have a strong knowing about a number as a thought, or feel drawn to a certain number when you looked back over this list?

8. Develop daily, weekly, or monthly spiritual practices.

Spirit guides are of the spirit world and have a powerful ability to ground you in your own spirituality or help you discover it.

Having regular spiritual practices—like drawing an oracle card every morning for inspiration, taking a meditative yoga class once a week, or attending a spiritual gathering once a month with other people—will create more intimacy with your spirit guides.

Action step: Do something in the next few weeks, like a new moon or full moon ritual, to create more regular spiritual practices in your life.

You can also make a list of some of your most important spiritual beliefs. For example, you may have a strong belief that the soul lives on after the body dies, or feel closer to Spirit whenever you spend time in nature.

9. Simply send your guides a message in your thoughts.

This may sound like the quickest and easiest way to connect to your spirit guides, but it really works. You can make a formal prayer or blessing, or you can simply tell them what you need in your thoughts with a brief sentence or two.

Action step: As soon as you finish reading this article, ask your spirit guides for help in your thoughts with something you’ve been worried about. Then also ask for help from a loved one, co-worker, expert, or health care professional. You deserve all the support you need!

10. Use a divination tool.

Humans have been using divination tools to communicate with Spirit for as long as humans have been around. Oracle cardstarot cards, runes…there are many divination tools. Try different methods and see what works best for you. 

Action step: Before you work with your divination tool, take your cards or anything else in your hands and hold them for a minute, closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths to center yourself. Then silently ask your spirit guides to send you a helpful, healing message through this tool.

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6 Shocking Ways Angels Speak to You Every Day https://guides.tonilamotta.com/2021/10/17/6-shocking-ways-angels-speak-to-you-every-day/ https://guides.tonilamotta.com/2021/10/17/6-shocking-ways-angels-speak-to-you-every-day/#respond Sun, 17 Oct 2021 18:30:07 +0000 https://guides.tonilamotta.com/?p=338 Read More]]>


Have you ever felt like you were in the presence of angels or that an angel may be trying to communicate with you? It’s very possible that you were and you didn’t even know it. Angelic guidance can be very overt including channeled messages, dreams, and direct insight. It can also come more subtly. Angels are constantly drawing our attention towards signs and they will leave you with clues that will guide you in the right direction. Sometimes, these signs may seem small at first but can increase in frequency when they are focused on, acknowledged, and appreciated. If you want to start noticing the presence or guidance of angels and begin to connect with them, one of the best things you can do is increase your present moment awareness of them. You can only do this by knowing some of the common signs to look out for. Are you ready to tap into the angel realm? Here are six shocking ways angels speak to you every day.

Through Your Body

When you’re in the presence of angels, you may feel your body temperature suddenly changing. You may get the chills, feel particularly cold or feel a tingle or pressure in your head or the back of your neck. This change may also come in the form of warm glowing light around you. This typically isn’t an uncomfortable feeling either. At that moment, it will feel normal. There is no need to be afraid when this happens. This experience is a validation that angels are with you. They also connect through sights, sounds, and smells. Have you ever noticed a particular smell, shape, or sound and have been unable to identify the source? This may show up in the form of a lovely sweet scent or a ringing in your ear. Because we often question our 6th sense, they send us messages perceptible through various sights, sounds, and smells. Seeing angel shapes in the clouds, sparks of lights, and flickering lamps are also signs that angels are near. This often occurs as confirmation of your intuition. The scents of roses or flowers are often a sign that angels are around to help calm you in a particular time of need. If you notice a rainbow, this is also a sign that your angels are bringing encouragement and validation from heaven.

Through Voices

Not everyone “hears” angelic voices as an audible sound. Many people receive divine messages through nonverbal means such as visions or feelings, but there are some who do. Have you ever received a message in your mind, or heard a voice whispered to you that seems to appear out of thin air, you may be receiving guidance from angels. Hearing the guidance of your angels is a wonderful sign of their presence, and often occurs when you are in need of comfort, reassurance or angelic guidance. If you hear a faint voice and wonder what it said, ask the angels to repeat their message. They want to deliver clear and understandable guidance.

Through Song

Angels often communicate through music and song. Music is a universal language and they use song to convey messages in various ways. This is often communicated through reoccurring songs. You may hear the same song playing on the radio or your favorite music app and wonder why. This may be an angel trying to communicate with you, particularly if the songs have a similar theme. Lyrics might reaffirm your intuitive feelings or a song might lift your spirits and reassure you that all will be well. It’s important that you pay attention to this guidance through music.

Through Light

Has a bright star in the sky ever caught your attention, light shimmering off an object in an unusual way or a bright orb hovering near? These are all signs that angels are around you. An aura is a field of radiant light that emanates from an angel who is lit from within. People notice angel auras when angels appear on Earth. These auras manifest in different colors, depending on the frequency at which a particular angel’s energy vibrates. Because angels are beings of light, another way they make their presence known is through orbs, unexplained shimmers of light, or flashes of color. If you close your eyes and you still see the light, it’s highly probable that an angel is with you. Stop and breathe for a moment and allow their angelic presence to bring you healing and uplift you.

Through People

Another way angels bring us guidance is through people messengers. Angels are sent to us by God to deliver messages of encouragement and inspiration. They will use people in your life, or sometimes complete strangers to tell you exactly what you need to hear in that very moment. They often show us when you’re contemplating an issue or decision and need someone to guide you through it. Sometimes, a random person you meet will mention something that you desperately needed to hear or know, that you wouldn’t have otherwise heard had you not come across their path. If you are feeling divinely guided by someone, angels may be reaching out to you.

Through Numbers

Another way angels will attempt to get your attention and guide you is through numbers. Some people call them Angel Numbers. You may be sitting behind a car with a certain number combination on the license plate, or you seem to look at the clock every day at the same time. These numbers have specific meanings for you. If you are wondering what the point of seeing these numbers over and over again is, think of the signs they leave us as an endless possibility for growth and transformation. What is important is for us to not only look for signs from the angels but also be present and aware.

There are many angels around you that are here to help and guide you. It’s important that you know the signs of their presence if you want to be able to hear them speaking to you. Once you begin to tune into the signs from angels and practice present moment awareness, you will become more conscious of your angels, and the guidance and assistance they have for you. If you notice any of these signs, be aware of the message they may be trying to send you.


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6 Angel Signs and How to Spot Them https://guides.tonilamotta.com/2021/10/17/6-angel-signs-and-how-to-spot-them/ https://guides.tonilamotta.com/2021/10/17/6-angel-signs-and-how-to-spot-them/#respond Sun, 17 Oct 2021 18:26:29 +0000 https://guides.tonilamotta.com/?p=335 Read More]]>



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Movies About Angels https://guides.tonilamotta.com/2021/10/12/movies-about-angels/ https://guides.tonilamotta.com/2021/10/12/movies-about-angels/#respond Tue, 12 Oct 2021 22:14:58 +0000 https://guides.tonilamotta.com/?p=301

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Sonia on Angels https://guides.tonilamotta.com/2021/10/12/287/ https://guides.tonilamotta.com/2021/10/12/287/#respond Tue, 12 Oct 2021 20:38:21 +0000 https://guides.tonilamotta.com/?p=287

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Shamanic Journey https://guides.tonilamotta.com/2021/10/08/shamanic-journey/ https://guides.tonilamotta.com/2021/10/08/shamanic-journey/#respond Fri, 08 Oct 2021 16:26:37 +0000 https://guides.tonilamotta.com/?p=259 https://theshiftnetwork.com/event/20584/id/712092?auth=MjA1ODRyZXZkcnRsQGdtYWlsLmNvbQ==&email=revdrtl@gmail.com&utm_medium=email&utm_source=ondemand

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Guardian Angel https://guides.tonilamotta.com/2021/10/04/222/ https://guides.tonilamotta.com/2021/10/04/222/#respond Mon, 04 Oct 2021 18:03:55 +0000 https://guides.tonilamotta.com/?p=222

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3 Tips to Meet Your Joy Guides https://guides.tonilamotta.com/2021/09/30/168/ https://guides.tonilamotta.com/2021/09/30/168/#respond Thu, 30 Sep 2021 17:17:14 +0000 https://guides.tonilamotta.com/?p=168 Read More]]>

Updated 2020.03.09

Joy is the pathway to ascension.

You have Spirit Guides to assist you in just about any area of your life.

There are Spirit Guides to help with practical things such as finding the right job, finding the right partner, and helping to set you up for the best learning and growing experiences.

All Spirit Guides together work to ascend those they watch over towards a life of Joy and greater love. However, there are specific Spirit Guides who focus on aligning you to more Joy.

These Spirit Guides are called Joy Guides.

Joy Guides assist you with more than just going through the motions of your soul’s journey and life path. They promote you in actually enjoying your ride and finding contentment while you are here on Earth.

joy guides

Joy Guides specifically bring you towards opportunities to experience with your whole body greater sensations of happiness, wholeness, completeness, and love.

Their job is to set you up for life experiences that will awaken you to more life experiences that will fill your heart with feelings of Joy and delight.

Today, Joy Guides are showing up more than ever, and they are essential guides for co-creating.

Call on them when you think they are least with you in times of grief, sadness, and when you feel alone, incomplete or separate or when you don’t know what to do to move forward.

The pinnacle of human experience is the vibration of Joy, so whatever situation is creating friction against this, you can ask a Joy Guide what to do to release and transmute it.

call on a joy guide anytime you need a boost in

  • How you feel

  • How you look at the world

  • How you experience the world

  • Fashion, makeup or self-expression

  • Your overall level of happiness

  • Your appearance, the better we feel about ourselves, the more beautiful we are to others and thus the more Joy we experience

reasons to meet a joy guide

  • To ascend to a higher vibrational feeling daily, making happiness your normal state

  • When you desire to be happier and more content but aren’t sure the pathway there

  • You could use an uplifting experience or series of experiences

  • You are going somewhere fun, and want to make sure it is the most magical it can be

  • To fill your life with dashes of magic and more miracles

If you answered three or more of the above reasons or benefits, it’s time to formally meet your Joy Guide.

Your Joy Guide could appear as a person, a child, an animal, a bird, or a fairy. They can be Ascended Masters or Angels.

They could appear to you in any fashion, but most are fairy-like, unicorn-like, child-like, or angelic looking.

Most commonly, Joy Guides appear in your third eye, in your dreams, through transmitted sensations.

Can’t stop smiling lately? Your Joy Guide may already be with you.

To call them in, officially, have fun with the steps below –

3 tips meet your joy guide

Photo of yellow leaves on spring branches by Alex Seinet on Unsplash

1. go to a place that brings you joy

Physically go or visit in your heart. You can use music to get you there, a view, or even a fragrance. I like Nutmeg, Helichrysum or Cypress for Joy.

You can also call in your angels and feel their sensation.

Go dancing, to an amusement park, get your nails done, on a solo hike or anywhere. Breathe in anything that brings you ultimate happiness.

You can ask your Joy Guide to transmit an idea to you that will bring you closer to Joy, for funds for a trip, or even for an action that will give you more of what makes your heart sing.

Not sure what brings you Joy? Remember the last time you giggled like a child. What were you doing?

You will make the choice that best suits you for this day.

2. have fun there

Aspire to contentment, a gentle smile.

Even if you only spend the whole time smiling, once at your place, set your intention on having the most amount of fun and feeling it in your body.

Do the rides, listen to the songs, and be okay with being in a place of contentment. Allow your heart to fill with this feeling fully.

Have the most fun possible, then use the feeling of fullness in the heart to guide you to more fun and more opening.

3. at the moment you’re having the most fun, close your eyes

A Joy Guide is one of many types of guides, and sometimes they appear as fairies, ascended masters or angels.

Take three deep inhalations and three deep exhalations.

Ask your Joy Guide to step, float, or otherwise come forward into your energy space.

Then, see what you feel, sense, or hear.

  • Do you have any tingles?

  • Warmness?

  • Buzziness?

  • See anything in your mind’s eye?

Then ask for a name and notice what you see with your eyes closed, paying particular attention to any images, forms, or symbols you see.

What flows to you, without thinking?

This is the sensation of the presence of your Joy Guide. These sensations are your Joy Guide’s calling card.

While there are many types of Joy Guides, from many cultures, if you’re wondering what to expect, know Jesus and Archangel Haniel are both known for transmitting Joy, and can sometimes be Joy Guides.

When they come to you at a time when you are peaceful, sitting, or working, know they are with you and joining with your energy.

When your Joy Guide’s energy is near, remember this is the essence needed to transcend the limitations of the current situation.

Because Joy on Earth can be tangible, pay attention to any symbols you see or words you hear.

Then, to continue to work with your Joy Guide, take one step towards the direction of your Joy Guide’s essence each day.

You will slowly see your life change to mirror you.

for more on connecting with your joy guide

Check out the Spiritual Gateway Series which is part of the The Getting Started Kit.

Join The Membership Program, which includes 65+ meditations for accessing a clear spiritual connection to Guides, Angels and Masters, some have a specific purpose of ascending you towards Joy.

Amanda Linette Meder


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